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From 1 January 2014, the NMI-register has been renamed MfN-register. The register contains a list of professional and court-approved mediators.


Partnership with Advocatenkantoor Van Schaik CS, located in Berkel en Rodenrijs, the Netherlands for more than 20 years. The firm provide legal services to SMEs and private individuals in the local area. Legal services include labour law, criminal law and , family matters, conflict mediation, drawing up contracts, and consultancy. The legal team is equally at home in court and the mediation room.


Member of the Centrum Onderwijsmediation (Centre for educative mediation)

Centrum onderwijsmediation is a network of professional and experienced mediators who are experts in education.



Handboek Mediation (The Mediation Handbook)

The latest edition of the Mediation Handbook was published in 2013 by Sdu publishers (edited by A.F.M. Brenninkmeijer). As co-author, I worked on the sections related to resolving education conflicts through mediation.


De Grote Van Dale (The Complete Van Dale Dictionary of the Dutch Language)

Van Dale, Groot woordenboek van de Nederlandse taal, published by Van Dale Lexicografie BV, 2005 edition. As author, I was responsible for updating legal terminology.